Brinjal Fruit and Shoot Borer Traps

Brinjal Fruit and Shoot Borer
Lures and Delta Traps


Brinjal (Solanum melongena) is a familiar vegetable to Indian household and one of the most versatile vegetable crops grown throughout the country. It can be grown throughout the year and adapted to different agro-climatic regions.

In India, Brinjal production sometime affected due to insect pests attack, virus-borne deceases, and erratic weather condition. Different insect pests infest the crop throughout its crop cycle. Among them Leucinodes orbonalis or “Brinjal fruit and shoot borer (BSFB)” has been identified as a major pest which causes huge yield loss to the Indian farmers and to other Brinjal producing countries.

In some cases, if timely measurements are not taken, an infestation caused by the shoot borer can result in a loss of 80-90 percent of production.

The larvae bore into tender shoots at the vegetative stage, flower, and fruit during reproductive stage. The larvae after hatching bore into the fruit making minute holes. Later it will start feeding on the mesocarp, feeding and excretion results in rotting of fruit and hence unfit for human consumption. 

Conventional chemical pesticides application twice a week-is commonly followed in all Brinjal growing states that can reduce the pest population up to certain extent, but frequent use such pesticides also kills beneficial insects thus poses threat to agro-ecosystem and extremely health hazardous. Nevertheless, extensive dispensation of the chemical pesticides lead to development of pesticide-resistant BFSB variant, which later found to be challenging to control through conventional tools, therefore cost of cultivation sharply increases.

Benefits of Pheromone Traps:

We in GreenCore BioSolutions™ provides innovative crop protection strategy from plant-damaging pests that is beneficial for grower, consumer and maintain ecological balance. PheroTrap Solutions™ developed a pheromone-based unique solid dispenser that is easy to apply in the field and safe to the applicant, and benign to the environment

Our technology only targets the pest that is nuisance to the crop and thereby provide better pest-management program to balance farming-ecology.

We recommend 4-5 traps per acre for monitoring and 10-12 traps per acre for mass trapping depending upon the infestation level. 

Either water or delta trap both of which shows good result when combined with our formulation to target Brinjal Fruit & Shoot Borer (BFSB). For water trap, soap water is recommended with periodical replacement. Our technology works best if the application is prior to pre-harvest stage

Directions to use Pheromone Traps :

  • Guideline for the trap disposition per acre for mass trapping can be as follows- 4 around corners and 4 in middle. Distance between each trap should be minimum of 4 feet. 
  • Trap height should be adjusted every week depending upon the plant height. For water-trap a 2 feet trap height can be maintained throughout the crop cycle but for sticky-trap trap height adjustment should be done as per standard guideline. 
  • For monitoring placement of the traps can be done 2 feet inside from the boundary. Distance between the trap should be minimum 8 feet. 
  • Traps can be installed one week after seeding process being completed. Spray is strictly recommended above 20 catches per trap/day for one week.
GreenCore BioSolutions